Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Things are a changing…

I found the Easter break here very tough – when I am not working there really isn’t too much to do in Tumu and when lights go off a length of time there is even less.

I chatted to the other VSO’s and told them that I am finding it really hard to settle, and they told me that it can be quite often like that here, but, then you get the good moments which far out weigh the hard times. I looked at this optimistically and finally I had my first “this is a good moment”

I spent the Easter break very much being a stranger on campus again – the untrained teachers come in to take classes, with them they bring their children. As they are from the rural villages they don’t often see white people and just stare, rather than calling out. So many times I would be in my house and suddenly I get a feeling I am being watched – I then catch two or three sets of eves peeping over the window sill just watching.

Anyway they left as suddenly as they came and the regular students returned and my first cycle through campus was interrupted many times by students stopping to greet and have a chat, no more folie or staring – now it’s a wave and a greeting and once again is a pleasure to move through campus.


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