Friday, May 05, 2006

Then there was rain...

The Sunday night of no electric we had the most amazing rain storm. I have never seen anything like it. The water came down in sheets and the lightning was right over my little house making everything light up pink and white, it made me hope my house is water tight - You may question why - but I know houses where the roofs have come off or swimming pools appear in the living room.

So it is now the start of the rainy season (or should be if the rain came more regularly) and with only 3 rains so far every where has become a carpet of lush green. You can almost see if growing in front of your eyes - amazing!!

Along with the rain the insects come out. My house is right on the edge of town, I seem to have so many more. I look out of my bedroom window at night and the mesh is covered in a blanket of crickets, beetles and moths as they take a rest from flying at the security light. They never seem to get bored of doing this. I think they play games to see how many times the can hit the light in a second.

My little house maybe water tight but it sure isn't bug tight - even with my new screen doors - There is one bug - a little black ladybird type thing that can get through the mosquito nets. These bugs seem to have some kind of vendetta against me. If I switch a light on in my bedroom then my mosquito net turns black with these things they commando down through the net and onto my bed. I now don't put lights on in my room and even on some nights tried sleeping under two mossie nets, but those things still managed to get through the obstacle course. I think they saw it as a bit of a challenge.

Its not so bad now cos I can sit in the living room until late when they start to go to sleep, but when we had no power and it was pitch black at 7pm (which reminds me I think someone has stolen the moon, it hasn't been here for ages!!) There is not much to do but to go to bed, its too hot for candles - droopy candle syndrone!! and my kerosene lamp doesn't really give off enough light to read by. But 7pm is bug rush hour, they are all out!! So I have survived the end of Harmattan and the really hot season now its the start of the rainy season or should I say bug season... What will happen next???


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